Test : Searching and Verifying Digital Imagery
In a Word document (to be sent to robert@bourgoing.com), explain your step-by-step logical mental process, to verify the following videos and photos.
Use any combination of the tools (here and here) we have seen and methodology we have learned, and illustrate your answers with screen captures and hypertext links.
Equipe 1: Valentine Morlot et Maxime Rolin
- Video: Charlie Hebdo Ce que les médias n’osent pas montrer.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZp0mJAGBtE - Photo: Obama & Melania Trump https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/823323202579525633
Equipe 2: Maëlle Vettoretti et Sarah Duperier
- Video: Paris, « manif » sur le périphérique… (regarding ‘l’affaire Théo’, a young drug dealer who says he was sexually assaulted by policemen in Aulny-sous-bois in February 2017)
facebook.com/LePiloteDavid/videos/1246044838836639 - Photo: Thomas Pesquet’s selfie over France
Equipe 3: Jean-Fabien David et Marie Gardeisen
- Video: Birmanie : Des musulmans enterrés vivants dans une fosse
www.facebook.com/Aissa.Samira.Islam.Ma.Religion/videos/1613412425367258/ - Photo: Cold snap in Venice in January 2017 http://bit.ly/2y6spxH
Equipe 4: Alice Laville et Pauline Brousse
- Video: Refugees and migrants are sleeping in a cemetery near the Serbian border with Croatia www.facebook.com/Channel4News/videos/10153239473971939/
- Photo: Franck Ribery photographed with a terrorist 6 months before the Bataclan http://peupledefrance.com/2015/11/attentats-a-paris-franck-ribery-allait-a-la-mecque-avec-l-un-des-kamikazes.html
Equipe 5: Julie Bossard et Anaïs Juste
- Video: Video shows 2nd shooter firing out of a lower-level window at mandalay bay in vegas: https://youtu.be/kJkTD8Z3rBQ
- Photo: Muslim picnic in a Catholic cemetery http://viens-seigneur-jesus.forumactif.com/t24408-pique-nique-musulman-dans-un-cimetiere-catholique#588261
Equipe 6: Amaïa Azanza et Théo Le Roux
- Video: Alien Caught on Tape on White House
https://youtu.be/3mcLm_AnsKI - Photo: #Paris. The horror. Photo inside the Bataclan before the shooting. 🙁
Equipe 7: Sarah Leal et Margot Marty
- Video: Staged ISIS Beheading Video Released by Russian Hackers
https://youtu.be/tsehPE5cEFs - Photo: « Ca a rafalé à Bagnolet » http://bit.ly/2y7AWhb
Equipe 8: Tiphaine Barailhe et Audrey Marty
- Video: Brilliant! Unedited, fake White Helmets ‘rescue’ video
https://youtu.be/3HCFol7g-FU - Photo: Trump saves cats from hurricane https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DIp7nXsVYAEc1C1.jpg